Three-row Cylindrical Roller Slewing Bearing(External Gear Type )



Boundary Dimension

Mounting Hole Size

Gear Data

Basic load ratings























YA.25.0500.N   738   336 148 630 396 16 16 φ33 φ33 10 72   720   44.6   260
  131.25.500 665 634 366 148 598 402 24 24 18 18 5 130 80 650 +0.5 275 35.5 224
  132.25.500 666 634 366 148 598 402 24 24 18 18 6 108 80 648 +0.5 275 35.5 224
  131.25.560 725 694 426 148 658 462 24 24 18 18 5 142 80 710 +0.5 308 39.9 240
  132.25.560 726 694 426 148 658 462 24 24 18 18 6 118 80 708 +0.5 308 39.9 240
  131.25.630 810 764 496 148 728 532 28 28 18 18 6 132 80 792 +0.5 345 45.1 270
  132.25.630 808 764 496 148 728 532 28 28 18 18 8 98 60 784 +0.5 345 45.1 270
  131.25.710 888 844 576 148 808 612 28 28 18 18 6 145 80 870 +0.5 388 51.7 300
  132.25.710 888 844 576 148 808 612 28 28 18 18 8 108 80 864 +0.5 388 51.7 300
  131.32.800 1008 964 636 182 920 680 36 36 22 22 8 123 120 984 +0.5 549 71.2 500
  132.32.800 1010 964 636 182 920 680 36 36 22 22 10 98 120 980 +0.5 549 71.2 500
YA.20.0815N   1014.1   676 120 925 725 28 28 Φ26 Φ26 8 125 80 1000   76.1   290
  131.32.900 1104 1064 736 182 1020 780 36 36 22 22 8 135 120 1080 +0.5 619 80.8 600
  132.32.900 1110 1064 736 182 1020 780 36 36 22 22 10 108 120 1080 +0.5 619 80.8 600
  131.32.1000 1220 1164 836 182 1120 880 40 40 22 22 10 119 120 1190 +0.5 689 90.3 680
  132.32.1000 1224 1164 836 182 1120 880 40 40 22 22 12 99 120 1188 +0.5 689 90.3 680
  131.32.1120 1340 1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 40 22 22 10 131 120 1310 +0.5 768 102 820
  132.32.1120 1344 1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 40 22 22 12 109 120 1308 +0.5 768 102 820
  131.40.1250 1512 1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 45 26 26 12 123 150 1476 +0.5 1110 146 1200
  132.40.1250 1512 1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 45 26 26 14 105 150 1470 +0.5 1110 146 1200
YA.20.1270N   1470.1   1132 120 1380 1180 44 44 26 26 8 182 80 1456 +0.5 120.6   450
  131.40.1400 1668 1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 45 26 26 12 136 150 1632 +0.5 1240 165 1300
  132.40.1400 1666 1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 45 26 26 14 116 150 1624 +0.5 1240 165 1300
YA.25.1390N   1637.8   1226 148 1520 1286 32 32 33 33 10 162 102 1620   131.6   745
YA.20.1490N   1701.6   1352 120 1600 1400 50 50 26 26 12 140 80 1680   142.1   530
  131.40.1600 1876 1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 48 26 26 14 131 150 1834 +0.5 1420 190 1520
  132.40.1600 1872 1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 48 26 26 16 114 150 1824 +0.5 1420 190 1520
YA.20.1600N   1809.6   1462 120 1710 1510 56 56 26 26 12 149 80 1788   152.8   555
  131.40.1800 2072 1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 48 26 26 14 145 150 2030 +0.5 1590 215 1750
  132.40.1800 2080 1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 48 26 26 16 127 150 2032 +0.5 1590 215 1750
YA.25.1795N   2055.5   1631 148 1925 1691 44 44 33 33 14 145 102 2030   171.2   980
YA.20.1800N   2027.5   1662 120 1910 1710 60 60 26 26 14 143 80 2002   172.4   665
YA.22.1850N   2069.5   1712 130 1960 1760 64 64 26 26 14 146 88 2044   177   730
  131.25.2000.03 2267 2195 1816 150 2127 1885 60 60 33 33 16 138 105   0.9 1690 66.3 1120
  131.45.2000.04 2304 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 60 33 33 16 141 160 2256 +0.5 2221 1779 2230
  131.45.2000 2304 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 60 33 33 16 141 160 2256 +0.5 2221 1779 2400
  132.45.2000 2304 2221 1779 231 2155 1845 60 60 33 33 18 125 160 2250 +0.5 2221 1779 2400
YA.32.1965N   2221.4   1785 184 2095 1845 56 56 33 33 16 137 126 2192   193.9   1340
YA.22.2000N   2223.5   1862 130 2110 1910 72 72 26 26 14 157 88 2198   191.7   790
  131.45.2240 2560 2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 60 33 33 16 157 160 2512 +0.5 2310 268 2700
  132.45.2240 2556 2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 60 33 33 18 139 160 2502 +0.5 2310 268 2700
YA.22.2230N   2447.5   2092 130 2340 2140 80 80 26 26 14 173 88 2422   214.2   860
YA.32.2405N   2678.8   2225 184 2535 2285 64 64 33 33 18 147 126 2646   1450   1640
  131.45.2500 2826 2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 72 33 33 18 154 160 2772 +0.5 2580 302 3000
  132.45.2500 2820 2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 72 33 33 20 138 160 2760 +0.5 2580 302 3000
YA.32.2500N   2776.8   2320 184 2630 2380 72 72 33 33 20 137 126 2740   1550   1750
YA.25.2500N   2776.8   2336 148 2630 2396 56 56 33 33 20 137 102 2740   1400   1410
YA.22.2490N   2732.8   2352 130 2600 2400 84 84 26 26 18 150 88 2700   1300   1020
  131.45.2800 3114 3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 72 33 33 18 170 160 3060 +0.5 2880 339 3400
  132.45.2800 3120 3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 72 33 33 20 153 160 3060 +0.5 2880 339 3400
YA.32.2800N   3098.9   2620 184 2930 2680 88 88 33 33 22 139 126 3058   2000   2030
YA.25.28OON   3076.8   2636 148 2930 2696 64 64 33 33 20 152 102 3040   1550   1560
YA.40.2860N   3212.6   2648 226 3020 2720 68 48 39 39 24 132 160 3168   2700   3270
YA.22.2800N   3038.8   2662 130 2910 2710 96 96 26 26 18 167 88 3006   1650   1100
YA.25.3015N   3296.8   2851 148 3145 2911 72 72 33 33 20 163 102 3260   1700   1770
  131.50.3150 3540 3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45 20 174 180 3480 +0.5 3590 381 5000
  132.50.3150 3542 3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45 22 158 180 3476 +0.5 3590 381 5000
  131.50.3150.12K 3540   2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45 20 174 195 3480 +0.5 3735   5404
  132.50.3150.12K 3542   2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45 22 158 180 3476 +0.5 3735   5404
  132.50.3150.12K1 3536   2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45 20 174 180 3480 +0.5 3735   5385
  131.30.3150.12K 3476   2922 182 3286 3014 56 56 45 45 20 171 180 3420 +0.5 2050   2308
YA.32.3150N   3450.9   2970 184 3280 3030 88 88 33 33 22 155 126 3410   2300   2343
  131.50.3550 3940 3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 72 45 45 20 194 180 3880 +0.5 4040 431 5600
  132.50.3550 3938 3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 72 45 45 22 176 180 3872 +0.5 4040 431 5600
  132.50.3550.03K 3934   3268 270 3742 3358 72 72 45 45 22 176 180 3872 +0.5 4105   4960
YA.32.3550N   3846.9   3370 184 3680 3430 98 98 33 33 22 173 126 3806   2600   2530
YA.25.3750N   4044.5   3586 148 3880 3646 88 88 33 33 22 182 102 4004   2150   2110
  131.50.4000 4400 4280 3718 270 4192 3808 80 80 45 45 22 197 180 4334 +0.5 4560 487 6400
  132.50.4000 4906 4280 3718 270 4192 3808 80 80 45 45 25 173 180 4325 +0.5 4560 487 6400
  131.50.4000.04K 4400   3718 270 4192 3808 80 80 45 45 22 197 180 4334 +0.5 4502   6377
  132.50.4000.12 4400   3718 270 4192 3808 80 80 45 45 25 173 180 4325 +0.5 4502   6377
YA.40.4000N   4340.6   3788 226 4160 3860 96 96 39 39 24 179 160 4296   3500   4380
YA.32.4000N   4286.5   3820 184 4130 3880 108 108 33 33 22 193 126 4246   2750   2860
YA.25.4300N   4594.5   4136 148 4430 4196 100 100 33 33 22 207 102 4554   2430   2480
  131.50.4500 4906 4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 80 45 45 22 220 185 4840 +0.5 5445 580 6942
  132.50.4500 4906 4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 80 45 45 25 193 185 4825 +0.5 5445 580 6942
  131.50.4500.04 4880   4218 270 4692 4308 80 80 45 45 20 242 185 4840 +0.5 4900   7250
  132.50.4500.04 4895   4218 270 4692 4308 80 80 45 45 25 193 185 4825 +0.5 4900   7333
  131.60.5000.04 5440   4670 320 5220 4766 100 100 45 45 20 270 220 5400 +0.5 6834   11752
  YA.40.4915N 5252.5   4703 226 5075 4775 116 116 39 39 24 217 160 5208   4430   5560
  YA.50.5000N 5396.6   4740 280 5200 4830 92 92 49 49 24 223 202 5352   5180   8100


Three-row Cylindrical Roller Slewing Bearing

The LYNBC three-row cylindrical roller slewing bearing can carry axial load, tilting moment, and radial load at the same time. Compared to cross-cylindrical roller slewing bearing, the load of each roller is reduced. Point contact is changed into line contact.Compared with that of a double row ball slewing bearing, and the contact stresses are also decreased. Therefore, the load capacity of this design of slewing baring is the highest under the conditions of a bearing with the same boundary dimension. Axial load and radial load for this design are loaded by different rollers, in which the axial load and tilting moment are loaded by two groups of horizontal placed rollers, the radial load is loaded by one group of vertical placed rollers.

LYNBC three-row cylindrical roller slewing bearing mainly consists of the components such as inner ring, outer ring, three rows of rollers, cage (spacing blocks), and a seal device etc.

The design applications where there is a large axial load, tilting moment, a larger radial load, or a low requirement for friction moment.

The basic structure of LYNBC three-row cylindrical roller slewing bearing as below:

Without gear

External gear

Internal gear


▲   The design’s of all these slewing bearing are based on standard structures; LYNBC can design and manufacture many other similar structures in accordance to the special and particular requirements of their customers’. If our customer’s have specific requests then the customer should identify the structure, and mounting dimensions that are required. Please contact the LYNBC Technical Center if you need any assistance in this area.

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